Jumat, 09 November 2012


Setiap tahunnya di SMAN 8 Tangerang selalu mengadakan buka puasa bersama seluruh warga SMAN 8 Tangerang. Yang setiap malam setelah berbuka selalu diwarnai kembang api atau pun petasan walau sudah dilarang.


Yeah, akhirnya kita mendapatkan ketua osis yang baru.

Hasil vote:
1. M. Akbar Nugroho(XI.IPA3) = 222 suara
2. Lulu Wilda N.(XI.IPA2) = 136 suara
3. Widha Puspa T.(XI.IPA2) = 98 suara
4. Teuku Ilhamsyah (XI.IPA3) = 88 suara
5. M. Daris F.(X8) = 77 suara



Made by my group

Made by another groups


I Gusti Ngurah Oka Sugawa a.k.a Ngurah

Muhammad Dhana a.k.a Dhana

Rifqy Luqmanurrahmat a.k.a Rahmat

Ledwin Julius Simarmata a.k.a Ledwin

Israf Ilyas a.k.a Icap

Afwan Ardilla a.k.a Afwan

Moh. Ilham Irfani a.k.a Ilham

R. Dinan Rayan M. a.k.a Dinan


This! SOC1ALIST with batik :)


as Sherlock Holmes
as Dr. John Watsonas Madam Simza Heronas Professor James Moriarty

Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game Of Shadows.
Release date in Indonesia based on IMDB: December 23th 2011. 


I wanna send mail to you @VinCastronovo. But It’s impossible :(


  1. He was born on April 8th 1997
  2. He is a famous dancer that lives in New Jersey
  3. His favorite color is royal blue
  4. He has a dog named Bella
  5. If he could be animal in the world, it would be a bird so he could fly to see all his fans
  6. His room is beige, brown, and black and he thinks it is boring
  7. On Halloween of 2010 he was a grandma and a green telly tubby
  8. His favorite drink is root beer
  9. His dad has a restaurant called Albivi. Al for Alessandra, Bi for Bianca, and Vi for Vincent
  10. He is half Italian and half Puerto Rican
  11. He has 2 sisters, Alessandra and Bianca
  12. He is single and would date a fan if they knew each other for a while
  13. What he looks for in a girl is personality and sense of humor
  14. He is considered the funniest in his crew
  15. He is the oldest in his crew
  16. His dance teacher’s named Geo
  17. He has a lot of favorite cereals but when it comes to sugar it is cookie crisps
  18. He loves his iPhone
  19. He loves Nike but Vlados are his favorite shoe.
  20. His favorite candy is starburst
  21. Born in Freehold, New Jersey
  22. His favorite word is Grand
  23. His favorite holiday is Christmas
  24. He wants his fans to be safe
  25. His favorite fast food is Wendy’s
  26. His favorite ice cream is cookies and cream
  27. He likes Honey Bunches of Oats
  28. He writes with his right hand
  29. His favorite restaurant is OUTBACK
  30. His sister, Alessandra is a famous singer
  31. His favorite snack is sweet and spicy doritos
  32. He doesn’t really like school so his favorite subject is lunch
  33. His favorite number is 13

ICONic Boyz - Vinny and Madison - Nicki Minaj Challenge


From : +6281585078XXX
To     : +6285716565XXX
Date  : 04.06.2011
Time  : 11.00 a.m
02-075-236,Sindhy Ritanti,LULUS, JML Nilai Un 37,15 srt kelulusan diambil senin 6 juni 2011


  • Estimated that 160,000 children miss school every day because they are scared to get attacked or intimidated by bullies. Source: National Education Association.
  • American schools harbor approximately 2.1 million bullies and 2.7 million of their victims. Dan Olweus, National School Safety Center.
  • One in seven students is either a bully or victim. 56% of students have witnessed some type of bullying at school.
  • 15% of all school absenteeism is related to fears of being bullied at school. 71% of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their school.
  • In a poll of 232 kids in kindergarten through 8th grade at a Connecticut elementary school, every child claimed to have been the victim of at least one schoolmate’s or sibling’s meanness in the previous month.

    • Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts.
    • Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.
    • Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non- victims, according to studies by Yale University
    • A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying
    • According to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying, and 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of fear of bullying